Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Beginning My Journey!

My daughters have convinced me to join the world of blogging. So, here I go! Be patient with me as I learn all of the ins and outs of the blogging experience. I will be embarking on a journey to the other side of the earth - CHINA! Rebecca suggested this blog as a way to share my fun during the trip - what a smart girl! Keep checking for pictures and my thoughts!


Our Little Family said...

I agree with you Carolyn, Rebecca IS a smart girl! She has so much to say and everyone could learn a lot from her. Can't wait to see pictures and more thoughts about Rebecca and her many strengths.

Flames of Glory said...

Oh my Lord! I didn't think it could pile so high on the net! Rebecca stop writing about yourself on your mom's blog!!! Carolyn, I can't wait to see your pics. from China and know of your wise thoughts. Be careful not to write your book on here. I know it would be good enough that someone would want to gnab it for themselves. Please share my blogspot with your youth: flamesofglorystm.blogspot.com

Love you bunches and give Aunt Martha a kiss for me.

Pictures of Life

Pictures of China

Where In The World Are You?